Uniform Information

Uniform and Special Clothing

The school uniform, that Montgomery children are proud to wear, is strongly encouraged by the staff and Governors. We ask that children wear:

  • a white or black polo shirt
  • a red sweatshirt, cardigan, hooded top or fleece
  • black, navy or grey trousers or skirt (no jeans please)
  • School shoes please – no trainers and no strappy sandals.

We ask parents to ensure that children have reasonable and appropriate hairstyles for school and for reasons of hygiene and neatness, we request that long hair is tied back and no hair dyes.

It is also important that your child brings a winter coat or a waterproof jacket to school every day; if it is cold, windy or drizzling at playtime or lunchtime a coat will be necessary for outside play.


During the summer months, checked dresses or white polo shirts and sensible shorts may be worn and a sun hat is a good idea to provide protection from the sun, especially at midday. Strappy or sleeveless tops that offer no protection from the sun are not suitable for school.

For safety reasons, children should not wear jewellery to school. If your child has pierced ears, only small studs may be worn. Children are permitted to wear studs in the ears only and not in any other part of the body. Please support us in this. Children are expected to remove all jewellery for PE activities. Watches may be worn but must be removed for games and P.E. lessons.

NB: Please ensure that ALL items of clothing are marked with your child's name

Uniform is a huge expense for parents, and we desperately want to return any lost property to its rightful owner. A lost property box is kept and named items returned. However, each term we have many unclaimed, unnamed items. These are offered for sale or taken to a charity shop if they remain unclaimed for over a term.

P.E. Kit

In recent years football kit has often become a cause of envy or rivalry. For this reason, we ask that promotional sportswear should not be brought to school.

We ask that children wear:

  • a red PE t-shirt,
  • dark shorts
  • trainers
  • a waterproof jacket
  • spare socks