Dosbarth Cadair Idris
(Years 5 and Years 6)
Teachers: Mrs E Regan
Class LSA: Ms S Pugh
Literacy, Language and Communication
This term we will be studying Michael Morpurgo's War Horse. We will be discussing the text and summarising our reading and comparing to the dramatization of the film version. Our grammar work will focus on single and multi-clause sentences, using conjunctions and formal and informal writing. We will write a story based in a historical setting. In non-fiction, we will revise letter and report writing. Using Thomas Harding's 'The House by the Lake' we will explore some German vocabulary.
Regular spellings will be chosen by pupils to learn. They will follow patterns being taught in class, statutory spellings for year 5/6 and spellings identified in individual's work.
Our topic for Spring is 'Cymru a fi' (Wales and Me). We will learn to talk about Wales geographically and describe the landscape features. We will be taking part in various activities as part of our Dathliad celebrations for Dydd Dewi Sant (Saint David's Day) on March 1st .
Maths and Numeracy across the English
This term we will be learning how to properties of 3D shapes, 24-hour clock and calculating durations, using negative numbers. We will revise rounding numbers to estimate answers. We will use coordinates in 4 quadrants and solve problems involving rate. Mental and written methods of calculations will be practised. Fractions, percentages and area and perimeter will be taught in the second half of the Spring.
Science and Technology Science Technology
This term, we will be planning a new theme park. We will explore a range of forces and mechanisms and see if we can incorporate them into several theme park rides. Pupils will research, design and make a World War 2 plane with an electrical propeller this term.
Digital Competency
This term we will use word processing, presenting skills and spreadsheet/graph skills. We will develop coding skills using Microbits. We will use search engines to research and find information, considering the reliability of sources. We will be using 'Safer Internet Day' to recap how to stay safe online. Pupils will also apply their ICT skills in other areas of the curriculum.
Health & Well Being
We will take part in breathing exercises mindfulness and yoga. We will walk the Monty Mile once a day. Our weekly 'My Happy Mind' sessions will continue. We will encourage healthy eating and personal hygiene.
The main day for PE will be Wednesday although we will have visiting coaches on other days. This term we will be improving our gymnastics, netball and hockey skills. Please remember that the PE uniform is a red T-shirt and dark shorts, socks and trainers. Please ensure that children have a waterproof jacket. All items of clothing must be named. Long hair needs to be tied back and if children are wearing earring studs they must be able to remove them themselves.
This term we will be focusing on Internet safety, including Cyber Safety with PC Sweetman. We will be continuing our Kiva, anti-bullying programme. Year 6 will be taking part in a 'Resilience' workshop lead by CAHMS. We will use drama to investigate life in the trenches and how the Battle of Britain played out.
Expressive Arts
For Dathliad, we will be designing and drawing Celtic knots. In Music, we will be singing Welsh songs in preparation for Dathliad. We will celebrate Dydd Miwsig Cymru this term.
This term, our topic is 'What has shaped our world?' We will be studying World War 1 and World War 2. We will investigate the events that lead to the wars starting and the how other countries became involved. We will 'experience' life in the trenches. We will ask 'What happened in Dunkirk?' and learn about the Battle of Britain and the Blitz. This term we will be investigating: Christian values Children's rights Judaism Easter Homework School Website and TEAM Pages
A variety of homework will be set this term. It will be set every Thursday on Microsoft Teams/Parent Hub and is to be completed and returned by the following Wednesday. The homework may be Maths, Spelling and Topic. Homework may be set on Teams and on Active Learn. Independent reading is encouraged at least 3 times per week and should be recorded in their reading records.
There will be a maths homework task weekly (set on Teams and shared on Parent Hub) and should take no longer than 30 minutes to complete. Regular times table and telling time practise is strongly encouraged.