Dosbarth Cadair Idris 

(Years 5 and Years 6)

Teachers: Mrs E Regan 

Autumn term 2024

Literacy, Language and Communication 

This term we will be writing persuasively in fiction and non-fiction genres. We are starting the year off with Poetry 'I am Unique' unit Maya Angelou's 'Life Doesn't Frighten Me' poem to explore feelings.

We will also explore Catherine Barr's 'Fourteen Wolves' text to explore re-wilding. We will research and write reports about the re-introduction of species into the wild.

We will use an 'explosive' photo as stimulus for creative writing. We will explore Earthquakes and develop stories to teach younger children how to stay safe.


Regular spellings will be chosen by pupils to learn. They will follow patterns being taught in class, statutory spellings for year 5/6 and spellings identified in individual's work.


Our topic for Autumn is 'Yn Y Caffi' (In the Cafe). We will learn questions and answer patterns that relate to a café setting, when to use formal and informal patterns and money and food vocabulary. We will be writing and performing a role play.


To link with our Cymraeg topic, we will learn vocabulary of food and drinks in French. 

Maths and Numeracy across the English

This term we will be learning how to use place value up to 7 digits and 3 decimal places; addition; algebra (Y6); subtraction and multiplication. Mental and written methods of calculations will be practised. Negative numbers, fractions, time and 2D shape, focusing on area and perimeter will be taught in the second half of the Autumn.

We will look at statistics in relation to natural disasters and the measuring systems we use.

Homework: There will be a maths homework task weekly (set on Teams) and should take no longer than 30 minutes to complete. Regular times table and telling time practise is strongly encouraged. 

Science and Technology Science Technology 

Our science this term will focus on exploring the topic of electricity. We will investigate the dangers of electricity and the benefits of using renewable energy sources. During these sessions we will develop our skills of scientific enquiry, identifying variables and taking accurate measurements to yield results to support or refute our predictions.

We will explore ways to design and create structures that could withstand a disastrous earthquake. We will build in teams and test our structures under earthquake conditions... who's structure will be left standing?

Use Microbits to explore and code electrical circuits and conductors.

For the Christmas Fayre, we will design, make and sell items. 

Digital Competency

This term we will be revising keeping a tidy workspace – creating folders to store and organise our work, learning how to communicate online with our peers and staff (email and Teams). We will use search engines to research and find information, considering the reliability of sources.

Pupils will also apply their ICT skills in other areas of the curriculum. 

Health & Well Being

We will take part in breathing exercises mindfulness and yoga. We will run or walk the Monty Mile once a day. We will encourage healthy eating and personal hygiene.   

This half term, the main PE day will be Tuesday although this can be subject to change due to visiting coaches, weather or staffing.

After half term, the class will be swimming on a Tuesday and PE will move to a Wednesday.

PE kits should be kept in school throughout the week. PE uniform is a red T-shirt and dark shorts, socks and trainers. Please ensure that children have a waterproof jacket. All items of clothing must be named.

Long hair needs to be tied back and if children are wearing earring studs they must be able to remove them themselves.

This term we will be focusing on diversity and the importance of celebrating our differences. We will be thinking about safety during thunderstorms and other disaster situations.

We will be having regular Kiva Antibullying lessons.

Expressive Arts  

We will create our own painting inspired by Chuck Close's portrait work. We will also study the artwork of Margaret Godfrey and create our own volcanic artwork.

We will use natural disaster video clips and photos as stimuli to compose music. They will choose instruments and use their voices to create the perfect soundtrack.  

Religion, Values and Ethics

We will explore the Christian creation story and compare with what other religions and Humanists believe.

We will be celebrating the Harvest festival and Christmas this term.

As a Church in Wales School, we take part in regular collective worship. 


This term, we will be exploring the destructive powers of nature including earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunamis and other natural phenomena. We will look back into the past at how our World was in the prehistoric era and the theory of Evolution.


A variety of homework will be set this term. It will be set every Thursday on Microsoft Teams and Parent Hub. It will needed to be completed and returned by the following Wednesday. Independent reading is encouraged at least 3 times per week and should be recorded in their reading records. I run a homework club every Tuesday lunchtime.

Pupils also have regular spellings to learn and access to J2Blast to practise spellings and times tables online (via Hwb and J2E).