Dosbarth Pen y Fan 

(Years 3 and Years 4)

Teachers: Mrs Steer and Miss Brian

Class LSA: Mrs Pugh

Literacy, Language and Communication

This term we will be reading and answering questions on important events through history. We will look at the picture book, "The Tunnel" by Anthony Browne and learn how to build tension and suspense in writing. We will look at how similes and metaphors enrich writing and learn the features to include in a balanced argument.

Our topic this term is "Cymru a Fi- Wales and Me."

In this unit pupils will learn to talk about Wales and learn more about place names, mountains, attractions, and people from Wales who made a difference. We will also be looking at a variety of Welsh songs and appraising them for Welsh Music Day and learning a song or poem for our school Dathliad.

Maths and Numeracy across the Curriculum

In Maths we will be revising and learning: place value and properties of numbers, rounding numbers to nearest 10, 100 or 1000. We will revise mental and written calculation methods, multiplication tables, (the grid method and for Y4 begin to use the Ladder method) division strategies, fractions (equivalent fractions and fractions of an amount and for Y4 simplifying fractions) properties of 2D shapes, finding perimeters, symmetry, telling the time and data handling.

There are videos on Class Team Pen Y Fan to demonstrate the methods we use in Maths. You will find them in Files in a folder called, "Parents." In this folder you will also see a folder of free maths books.


Through our overarching question, "What events have shaped the world?" we will look at how languages are connected and in particular how languages have changed in Wales and Britain through major events. We will also learn some phrases in sign language and why sign language is important to many.

Science and Technology

Through our topic we will be investigating medicine, the important discoveries such as penicillin and medical practices through time. We will be learning about Aneurin Bevan and the NHS as well as investigating skeletons and healthy living.

We will be looking at how food has changed in Wales through events. We will be investigating and making a tasty snack.

Digital Competency

Pupils will create databases on famous events. Our focus for Internet Safety Day is, "Making a difference, managing influence and navigating change online."

We will also be learning about the history of coding and experimenting with coding using microbits.

Health & Wellbeing

PE will be Wednesday morning. Please could pupils come to school in their outdoor PE kit with their school uniform to change into after the session. Our main focus this term is Games. Please remember that PE uniform is a red T-shirt and dark shorts or jogging bottoms or leggings. Long hair needs to be tied back and if children are wearing earring studs, they must cover them with tape. Please could you check all clothing items have names on.

Healthy Living is this terms' focus. We will investigate different activities and eating habits that affect us positively. We will try a range of activities and investigate how they make us feel and discuss short and long-term benefits of these different activities.

Expressive Arts

This term for expressive arts we will be looking at Celtic art, music and dance.

Class 3 will be taking part in an Easter play, "Three Little Trees" and singing songs within the play.

We will also be looking at Welsh music for Welsh Music Day - Dydd Miwsig Cymru.


Through our overarching question, "What events have shaped the world?" we look at events in our own lives. We will look at where we live in the world and discuss how this affects our lives and look at different lives of children from around the world. We will then study events that have happened in our country that have shaped the world in which we live. We will look at Welsh princes, Magna Carta, Robert Owen and events that the children choose to investigate from the Welsh timeline in class.

Religion, Values Education

We will look at how belief in Wales has changed; Celtic beliefs, when Christianity was introduced to Britain, Saint David & William Morgan who translated the bible into Welsh and religions and beliefs in Wales today. We will study events that have shaped the Christian belief- Jesus' birth, death and resurrection.


A variety of homework will be set this term. A homework grid will be given at the beginning of term for pupils to do in the order that they wish. At least one section from the grid should be completed each week. It can be handed in on Teams or done in the homework book. Pupils should be reading regularly at home and recording it in their reading records. Pupils also have access to games on Activelearn and J2Blast on their Hwb account.