Dosbarth Pen y Fan 

(Years 3 and Years 4)

Teachers: Mrs Steer and Miss Brian

Class LSA: Mrs Pugh

Autumn term 2024

Literacy, Language and Communication

Through our topic "What a Wonderful World," we will be developing our reading, writing and oracy skills. We will be writing factual reports, persuasive letters and poems. We will be reading a range of texts about our planet and how it is changing.


This term we will be learning to use the 3rd person in our topic "Disgrifio ffrind/Describing a friend." We will learn to give details about our friends in short conversations and in writing tasks.

Maths and Numeracy across the Curriculum

Our focus this term will be looking at adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing using a range of strategies. Pupils will continue to learn to tell the time and learning to measure weight and length.

We will also be looking at money in particular saving and profit.

Pupils will also develop their numeracy skills in other areas of the curriculum. 


Through our overarching question, "What a wonderful world?" we will look at how languages are connected and in particular how languages have changed in Wales and Britain through major events. We will also learn some phrases in sign language and why sign language is important to many.

Science and Technology

Our Science investigations will touch on a variety of Science topics as we explore, "What a wonderful world we live in." Our main focus will be rocks and soils and forces.

This term we will be investigating bread. Pupils will look at a variety of bread and design and make their own. 

Digital Competency

We will be looking at esafety, in particular reliability on the online world.

We will be creating a database of endangered animals.

Use a paint package to create a multimedia poster of how to protect our world. 

Health & Wellbeing

PE will be Wednesday morning. Please could pupils come to school in their outdoor PE kit with their school uniform to cThis year our PE day will be on a Thursday, however pupils will need their PE kit in daily.

Year 3 will have their swimming sessions before half term and Year 4 will have their swimming sessions after half term.

Please remember that the PE uniform is a red T-shirt and dark shorts. Please ensure that children have a waterproof jacket. All items of clothing must be named. Long hair needs to be tied back and if children are wearing earring studs they must be able to remove them themselves.

We will be using Kiva to look at healthy friendships and bullying and the correct steps to take to help those who are bullied or if we are bullied.

We will also be looking at how to look after our bodies 

Expressive Arts

We will be appraising a variety of music, learning new songs and creating our own music linked to our topic, "What a Wonderful World."

We will be investigating the artist Hokusai and his picture "The Great Wave off Kanagawa." 


They children will look at the diverse environments on this planet and the life that they support. We will investigate oceans, endangered species and how humans are threatening life on Earth and what we can do to help change this for the better. Pupils will use maps to identify the continents and the oceans. We will find out about the first coloured photo of Earth from Space, "Earthrise" and recent images of our planet from satellites to investigating the Marianna Trench, the deepest part of the ocean.

Religion, Values Education

Key Question: What do religions teach about caring for our world? The unit builds upon understanding and appreciation of the natural world. It focuses on the uniqueness of the Earth and our world and that everyone has a duty to respect and look after our planet.


Homework will be set every Thursday and will need to be handed in Tuesday. There will be a written Maths task each week to complete and one project to be completed each half term connected to our topic.

There will also be a variety of optional educational games your child can access at home; Activelearn maths games, Welsh games on Teams and Multiplication and Spelling games on Hwb. An explanation of how to find these games will be given in their homework books.

Please can you also support your child in their reading by listening to them read as often as possible.