Dosbarth Yr Wyddfa 

(Year 1 and Years 2)

.Teachers: Miss Mees and Mrs Marriott

Class LSA: Miss Evans

Big Question: What's in a book?

Religion, Values and Ethics

We will be looking at 'The Bible. Parables. .Santes Dwynwen day. We will celebrate Chinese New year, Shrove Tuesday and Ash Wednesday, St David's day and Easter. We are learning to recite the Lord's prayer in Welsh.


We will be looking at the history of writing from cave paintings, hieroglyphics to word art.

Map work. What do stories tell us about the past? Looking at Wales, England and Scotland. The stories of St Patrick, St Oswald and Owain Glyndwr.

Literacy, Language and Communication

This term we will be looking at a variety of books from fairy tales, fables, traditional, fantasy and non-fiction books to develop our oracy, reading and writing skills. All children will also participate in a guided reading session each week. Children will read their home-school reading books with an adult weekly.

When writing stories, we will use a 'Talk for writing' approach (learning stories fluently with actions).

We will practise our oracy skills through show and tell sessions once a week. Please see the timetable at the bottom of this information.

Pupils will receive differentiated phonics and spelling sessions four times a week to support their language skills. We will also ensure that children develop the correct pencil grip and letter formation.


Incidental Welsh is built into all aspects of the school day. We positively promote the advantages of bi and multi-lingualism in the 21st century.

We will focus on traditional and modern Welsh stories.

We will be practising language patterns and using language mats to help us, We will also be singing songs and reading books using our Tric a Chlic reading scheme. 

Maths and Numeracy across the Curriculum

Your child will work through the White Rose Maths scheme. They will experience a wide range of activities, which will enhance their knowledge and confidence.

This term, reception will be counting (working with numbers to 10) mass and capacity, length, height and time. Exploring 3D shapes.

Year 1 and 2 will be looking at place value, addition and subtraction, length and height and mass and volume, representing numbers and multiplication and division

We will also be using our maths skills for problem solving and reasoning activities. 

Science and Technology

This term we will be looking at Materials and seasonal changes. Experiments. Using their senses. Chinese dragon shadow puppets. Science week 10th March.

Pupils are going to design and make books.

Class 2 are designing, making and evaluating bird boxes.

Pupils will be logging onto Hwb and using write, paint, chart, branch, turtle, Beebots, Rugged robot and mix tools to develop their ICT skills. This will include saving their work and opening a saved file. They will be taking part in a HWB

We will use search engines to find out information about books.

All children will learn to use the SeeSaw app and other apps linked to phonics. 

Health and Wellbeing

P.E will take place on Wednesday's this term. This could change at short notice therefore we ask that all P.E kits are sent into school at the beginning of the half-term and kept in school until the half-term holiday where they will be sent home to be washed. P.E kits are to include t-shirt, shorts, trainers and socks with jogging bottoms and a jumper for when the weather is colder.

P.E this half-term will be apparatus work and yoga.

We use a programme called myHappymind which helps to 'prepare today's children for tomorrow's world by building resilient, balanced and happy minds at home and in school.' The modules we will be looking at this term include 'celebrate and then 'appreciate and relate. We will be using our outdoor learning environments as much as possible so please ensure your child has wellies in school.

Expressive Arts

We will be looking at our local area (Cynefin) during 'Dydd Gwener Gwych' activities on a Friday morning.

In class they will be experimenting with paint, charcoal and oil pastels. They will also be using clay.

Looking at different artists. Making love spoons with clay and playdough. Chinese New Year dance. Learning new Welsh songs. 


Please read with your child at least three times a week at home and record this in their reading records.

Develop key maths skills such as: telling the time, reading scales, and learning number facts such as number bonds.

'Topic show and tell' (each child will do show and tell twice this term).

Our show and tell will be about our topic of books.

All children are to bring in topic-related items only.

If your child misses their slot due to absence, they will have the opportunity to show and tell the following week.

If you have any photos, videos etc, please email Mrs Marriott -
