Dosbarth Cadair Idris 

(Years 5 and Years 6)

Teachers: Mrs E Regan 

Our Big Question - What's in a book?

Spring Term 2025

Religion, Values and Ethics

We will look at the Bible, the different genres within the bible and what the Bible means to Christians. We will look at three different books from the bible and consider what we can learn about God through them. We will be looking at the Easter story and completing work on "Bread."

As a Church in Wales School, we take part in regular collective worship.


We will look at how books were invented and the impact of the printing press. We will investigate books linked to Welsh heritage through a visit to the National Library of Wales. We will look at the how the bible was translated into the Welsh language and discover the epic journey made by a young girl, Mary Jones in order to get her first bible.

Literacy, Language and Communication 

Through our topic "What's in a book?" we will be developing our reading, writing and oracy skills. We will be writing fact files, news reports, poems and stories. We will be reading a range of texts to develop comprehension skills.   


Regular spellings will be chosen by pupils to learn. They will follow patterns being taught in class, statutory spellings for year 5/6 and spellings identified in individual's work.  Spellings will be given out on a Friday in readiness for a test on Thursday.


This term we will be learning about a story from the Mabinogi, "Rhonabwy's Dream." We will develop our Welsh reading skills, use Welsh to give our opinion of the story and create our own Welsh story.


To link with our Cymraeg topic, we will learn vocabulary of food and drinks in French. 

Maths and Numeracy across the English

Our focus this term will be looking at Multiplication and division, length and perimeter, area, fractions and decimals, mass and capacity. The children will learn the skills from Monday – Wednesday and will then apply these to problem solving tasks on Thursdays.

Homework: There will be a maths homework task weekly and should take no longer than 30 minutes to complete. Regular times table and telling time practise is strongly encouraged. 

Science and Technology Science Technology 

Our science this term will be focusing on light. The children will be exploring shadow puppets, including angles, shape, definition, colour and texture. They will also be exploring lighting effects such as colour, reflection, and creating illusions with mirrors. The children will then bring together their knowledge of light to create a shadow puppet theatre show.

Pupils will be designing and creating their own book. Following a theme of their choice, children will experience what it is like to see a book through from the initial idea, through to editing and finally publishing. This will be enhanced with a visit from a real publisher and editor who will talk to the children about the journey of a book.  

Digital Competency

We will be exploring coding this term where we will use a range of programs such as J2 Code, Scratch and Lego Spike. Here children will learn the importance of computer algorithms. They will create their own codes and then experiment with making changes to identify the impact that small changes in programming can have on the final result. 

Pupils will also apply their ICT skills in other areas of the curriculum. 

Health & Well Being

We will take part in breathing exercises mindfulness and yoga. We will run or walk the Monty Mile once a day. We will encourage healthy eating and personal hygiene.   

This year our PE day will be on a Friday, however pupils will need their PE kit in daily.

Please remember that the PE uniform is a red T-shirt and dark shorts. Please ensure that children have a waterproof jacket. All items of clothing must be named. Long hair needs to be tied back and if children are wearing earring studs they must be able to remove them themselves. Long hair needs to be tied back and if children are wearing earring studs they must be able to remove them themselves or they will need to be taped up.

We will continue to use Kiva to look at healthy friendships and bullying and the correct steps to take to help those who are bullied or if we are bullied.

Expressive Arts  

Pupils will be exploring art through the concept of Cynefin and their sense of belonging to being part of the Montgomery community and the wider community of Welsh citizenship. The children will be creating a set of postcards using a range of techniques to create collage, texture and 3D modelling. The postcards will be completed with a QR code linking to the children explaining the rationale for their art work. 


A variety of homework will be set this term. It will be set every Friday. It will needed to be completed and returned by the following Friday. Independent reading is encouraged at least 3 times per week and should be recorded in their reading records. I run a homework club every Tuesday lunchtime.

Pupils also have regular spellings to learn and access to J2Blast to practise spellings and times tables online (via Hwb and J2E).